Request intervention from the team
Requesting intervention from the team
Referring to the ND pathway (referral form and screening tools)
Complete a ‘service request for children’s targeted and specialist services’. Referrals can be sent electronically by secure e-mail or can be posted to the team at Hope School.
Referrals must include: ND screening tools (from home and school) and at least two relevant evaluated Personal Provision Plans
Other useful information, for example, any relevant reports from professionals already involved with the child
* For advice on what information to include please contact Laura Fisher on 0151 443 5771
Referring to ASC Advisory Teachers
Private, Voluntary and Independent (PVI) Nurseries should complete the following form:
Nursery and School age children should complete the following form:
Referrals can be scanned and sent electronically by secure e-mail (laura) or can be posted to the team at Hope School.
Referring to the Child Development Team
Child Development Team is a virtual team consisting of:
Community Paediatrician, Speech & Language Therapy, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Children’s Nurse, Educational Psychologist, ASC specialist teacher, Area SENCO, Portage, Early Help.
Complete a ‘service request for children’s targeted and specialist services’.
CDT\Forms\single point of access referral form\Single Point of Access Referral Version 3 - 15 10 15.docx) – word doc please
Referrals can be sent electronically by secure e-mail (email address) or can be posted to the team at Hope School.
* For advice on what information to include please contact Maria Williams on 0151 443 5754