Welcome to 5C's class page
Hello and welcome to our class page. 5C is taught by myself, Mrs Curley, and Miss Sykes. We have a great year ahead of us and have lots of exciting learning opportunities.
If you have any queries you are always welcome to chat with either of us after school or make an appointment at the school office.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs Curley and Miss Sykes
Staff Team:
Class Teacher - Mrs Curley / Miss Sykes
Teaching Assistants - Mrs Kilroe Gibson / Miss Jones / Miss Devern
Music / Art / DT Teacher - Mrs Price.
Science Teacher - Miss Sykes.
Important Information:
P.E. Day:
P.E. Day – Tuesday. All children should attend school each Tuesday in their full school P.E. kit.
Set on Friday, due the following Friday. Homework will be sent on Seesaw and SATS Companion. Children know how to log into these sites.
Bug Club:
Children have access to a online reading platform called Bug Club. Children need to read 3 times a week. This needs to be documented and signed in their reading record. Children can read from Bug Club or reading material at home.
In school we use SeeSaw to log any activities children complete online or on their IPADs. Children may also use SeeSaw to share news from home or news from school.
Upcoming Trips / Events:
Awaiting information!
Useful Links:
Please find below some useful links for your child to access to help with their learning at home.
Useful Documents:
Please find below documents that contain important information about Year 5.
Please visit our Twitter page for news and updates: @HopePrimarySch