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Identifying Learners with SEND

We value the support of parents and carers and seek to ensure excellent levels of communication and engagement on a regular basis so that home-school partnerships benefit the social, emotional and academic development of all learners. The in depth knowledge of the needs of all our learners allows our skilled staff team to provide excellent levels of care, guidance and support.

Half Termly SEND Review Meetings

Parents and carers with SEND are invited to half termly SEND review meetings to review the progress towards agreed targets and to set and agree new targets, contributing towards the learner profiles. The meeting will take place with the class teacher or a member of the SEND team. At these meetings parents and carers are informed of the provision and interventions or support their child receives at school. If parents and carers are unable to attend one of the meetings, appointments can be made to see the class teacher or the SEND team at the school office.

Person Centred Reviews

In accordance with the SEND Code of Practice 2014, children with an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) will take part in an annual ‘Person Centred Review’. The reviews will be undertaken in partnership with the learner and their parents or carers. The parents or carers will be given the opportunity to express their views, wishes and feelings alongside school staff and outside agencies who are involved with the individual. Current progress in school will be discussed and parents or carers will be involved in setting appropriate targets for the future.

How does the school involve children and young people in their education and in the decision making process?

All learners are involved in reviewing their targets using their personalised learning journeys and setting their own targets for academic and personal development with the support of their parents and teachers, when appropriate and possible. Learners with SEND are encouraged to attend the half termly review meetings with their parents and carers to review their learner profiles and their ideas and aims are taken into consideration when any new plans are written. The school ethos and caring atmosphere supports learners in sharing any concerns and in discussing their progress and next steps for improvement on a regular basis.
