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School Day/Hours

                                   The Nursery Day

Morning session is 8.30am-11.30am

Afternoon session is 12.20pm-3.20pm

Due to high demand, there is currently no capacity to offer 30 hour places in our nursery.


                                 The School Day

School starts at 8.50am for children in Reception to Year 6.



Breaktime for Year 1 & 2 children is from 10.15 am to 10.30am

Breaktime for Year 3 & 4 children is from 10.35 am to 10.50am

Breaktime for Year 5 & 6 children is from 10.55 am to 11.10am



Lunchtime for Rec/Y1/Y2 children is from 11.45 am to 12.45 pm

Lunchtime for children in Year 3/4 is from 12.00 pm to 12.45pm

Lunchtime for children in Year 5/6 is from 12.30 pm to 1.15 pm


School finishes at 3.10p.m.


