Staffing and Curriculum Committee 15th May 2018
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- Staffing and Curriculum Committee 15th May 2018
- Staffing and curriculum agenda 15th May 2018
- 6. Class Structure 2018-2019
- 7. Sports Premium at Hope Primary School 2017-2018
- 7. Foundation Stage Assessment and evidence analysis of pupils learning 2018
- 7. Analysis of Performance Management observations Focus- Maths
- 7. History:Geog book scrutiny Spring 2018
- 8. Pathways to Success Briefing Note 1
- 8. Pathways to Success -Briefing Note 2
- 9. Liverpool Counts report
- 9. Reception Moderation page 1
- 9. Reception Moderation page 3
- 9. Reception Moderation page 2
- 9. SSTEW Findings Spring 1 Baseline Assessment comparison
- 11. School Development Plan 2015-2018
- 12. Parent Survey March 2018 Results