Welcome to 4H's class page
Hello and welcome to our 4H class page. This page will display all the relevant information you need to know about your child's learning in Year 4. My name is Mr Hulse and I am excited to be teaching at Hope Primary School again this year. We have a lot of fun, creative and interesting topics to learn in Year 4 this year and I am looking forward to getting to know you all. This page will be updated throughout the year, please keep a check for any changes.
If you have any questions, queries or concerns you are always welcome to chat with myself after school or make an appointment at the school office. Thank you for your continued support, it is much appreciated.
Mr Hulse
Year 4H Class Teacher.
Staff Team:
Class Teacher - Mr L Hulse.
Teaching Assistants - Mrs C Robertson and Miss C Powell.
Music / Art / DT Teacher - Mrs K Price.
Science Teacher - Miss N Sykes.
Important Information:
P.E. Day:
This term (Spring 1) 4H's P.E. day will be a Monday. All children should attend school each Monday in their full school P.E. kit.
Each week homework is set on a Friday and is expected to be completed and returned the following Friday. If children complete their homework earlier than Friday they can return it once it is complete. Homework will consist of English, Maths and Spelling. There is an expectation in Year 4 that we also expect children to be reading regularly and practising their times tables as often as they can.
Homework this term will be sent out via SeeSaw - children can access this via their school iPADs. If you child would prefer a paper copy, they can also request this by asking any of the staff in class.
Bug Club:
Children have access to a online reading platform called Bug Club. They should be accessing this as often as they can and reading the books they have been set. To complete a book your child must read each page and answer the comprehension questions within the book. This is monitored by the staff in Year 4 to track progress. Please ensure you are encouraging your child to read regularly.
In school we use SeeSaw to log any activities children complete online or on their IPADs. Children will also use SeeSaw to access weekly homework. Children may also use SeeSaw to share news from home or news from school.
Upcoming Trips / Events:
Crosby Hall Residential - Monday 29th April 2024 - Wednesday 1st May 2024 (More information will be shared nearer the time).
Useful Links:
Please find below some useful links for your child to access to help with their learning at home.
Useful Documents:
Please find below documents that contain important information about Year 4.
Please visit our Twitter page for news and updates: @HopePrimarySch