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Hope Chaplain

My name is Rebecca Richardson and I work for the Diocese of Liverpool as Huyton Deanery Schools and Youth Worker. I have been in this role for three years and as part of my role I am formally based at St Luke’s Church West Derby, Princess Drive.


My role involves supporting Schools, Churches and Young People across Huyton Deanery. I work with and support the Church of England Primary Schools and some Community Schools too. My role in supporting Schools is working with and supporting both the Children and Staff in sustaining positive relationships with them and through the link with the local Churches.

 I lead, support and provide Collective Worship, Prayer Spaces, After School Clubs, Church Visits and RE Curriculum Support for Schools. Whilst also continuing building on the relationships between School and Church in offering support to work together with one another. The other areas of my role include supporting Young People through Youth Groups at Churches in supporting their faith journey.


I have had the absolute joy and privilege to work with and support the Children and Staff at Hope Primary School over the past three years. The Children and Staff have welcomed me with open arms into their School Community.  

 I am truly blessed and excited to have been appointed as Hope Primary School Chaplain.

Anyone who meets me always says how excited I am about new opportunities, how enthusiastic I am and seeing the joy that is brought into the lives of others which fills me with joy, this is how I feel and more about this appointment as your School Chaplain.


I will be supporting the School, Staff and Children with opportunities to worship and pray together. This will be through times of Collective Worship, Prayer Spaces, RE Support, Class Worship Support and being a friendly and familiar face for Staff and Children to talk to, ask questions and be a support to all.

I am really looking forward to the new opportunities together as a School supporting Staff and Children in growing in knowledge and faith through experiences that will stay with them forever. One of my favourite opportunities I have already had with Hope and continue to share with them is through Prayer Spaces. Creating safe spaces for Staff and Children to have the opportunity to offer prayers, thoughts, hopes, wishes and feelings.


I am so greatful and looking forward to working with, supporting and developing lasting relationships with Hope Primary School, Children and Staff.


Hope Anchors the Soul! Hebrews 6:19
