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Our school uniform and the expectations from September 2023

School uniform as an essential part of school life. It is a symbol of belonging and something that unites all children at Hope Primary School. Starting from September, we want to ensure that the children are wearing the correct uniform. We will be setting the highest of standards and expect your complete support and cooperation. Over the past few years the standard of pupil’s school uniform (especially footwear) has slipped. We have need to reach the    standards high from previous years.

For Years 1-6, Winter/Spring uniform consists of...

  • A school jumper or cardigan.
  • Grey trousers, a grey skirt or pinafore.
  • A blue shirt with a tie.
  • All black shoes
  • Y1-6 PE Tracksuit and trainers (on dedicated PE day)
  • Nursery and Reception have a different uniform (Below)

Hair, make-up and piercings...

  • Make up, including nail polish, should not be worn.
  • Pupils who have pierced ears may wear a discreet stud in one or both ears.
  • Jewellery is not part of our school uniform and therefore should not be worn. Pupils will be asked to remove any items of jewellery and these will be kept safe and sent home at the end of the day.
  • Extremes in hairstyle are to be avoided. Hair should not be dyed any non-natural colour, i.e. pink, blue etc


This is an important aspect of our school uniform. Please see the photos below, illustrating which footwear is acceptable. Children in the wrong shoes will be provided with school pumps. Our school allows:

    • All black, plain, leather, polishable shoes (like those pictured below).
    • All black trainers can be worn without any coloured logos.

We do NOT allow:

    • Canvas pumps, Coloured or embroidered fashion shoes, trainers with any colour other than black.  


We hope that this document proves to be useful but appreciate that you may still have some unanswered  questions. If this is the case, please do not hesitate to contact the school office - we are always here for advice and help. Further information is also available on the school website.


Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.


Mr Casson

Winter/Spring School Uniform

Summer Uniform: After Easter, children can wear summer uniform if they wish. It is optional and most children choose to wear the normal full school uniform all year round. Girls can wear a blue checked gingham summer dress (see below). This is to be worn with black school shoes (No white shoes/jelly shoes etc) and the normal grey school cardigan. Boys can wear a blue school polo shirt instead of shirt/tie. Grey school shorts can also be worn.

School Uniform is available from Schoolwear by Lisa, 275 E Prescot Rd, Liverpool L14 2DB