Welcome to 6R's class page
Please find below information that is relevant to your child's class. This page will be updated with any changes to timetables throughout the school year.
Staff Team:
Class Teacher - Mrs F Robertson.
Teaching Assistants - Mrs H Robinson.
Music / Art / DT Teacher - Mrs K Price.
Science Teacher - Miss N Sykes.
Important Information:
P.E. Day:
This term (Autumn 2) 6R's P.E. day will be a Wednesday. All children should attend school each Wednesday in their full school P.E. kit.
Reading x3 a week
Spelling worksheet every week for a spelling test on a Friday
TT Rockstars x4 a week
SATs companion (1x maths and 1x English)
Bug Club:
Children have access to an online reading platform called Bug Club. Children have been given their individual log ins for Bug Club. If you need a new copy or password reset please see me.
Children have been logged into SEESAW in school and can use this as a journal for any activities they are asked to complete outside of their daily homework e.g. science/music/art tasks.
Upcoming Trips / Events:
Monday - Wednesday 04.12.23 - 06.12.23 - Robinwood Residential
Useful Links:
Please find below some useful links for your child to access to help with their learning at home.
Useful Documents:
Please find below documents that contain important information about Year 6.
SATs Revision
The links below can help Y6 children tackle the kinds of Maths questions they will come across in this year's SATs. Click on the topic area you want to practise, look at and try the questions, then click on the youtube links to see a video on how to answer the question correctly, and see if you got it right!
Tip: If you have a printer at home, you could print the questions page and write your answer on the sheet before you watch the youtube video for each question.
Maths SATs preparation
SPaG SATs preparation
Please visit our Twitter page for news and updates: @HopePrimarySch