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What is White Rose Maths?

White Rose Maths is an organisation that provides maths resources and Schemes of Learning for pupils of all ages, from early years to secondary school. The Schemes of Work outline yearly frameworks that break down what children need to learn during each week of each term to master the learning objectives laid out by the National Curriculum. White Rose Maths frameworks are designed to be enjoyable, engaging and varied, to help pupils develop a love of learning and work towards mastery with differentiated resources.

But what defines White Rose Maths more than their resources and frameworks is their approach to teaching maths. At the heart of their resources and frameworks is the motto “Everyone Can Do Maths: Everyone Can!” — a slogan that we wholeheartedly agree with!

White Rose teaches children mathematical concepts through pictorial, practical and written methods to develop a deep understanding, confidence and competence in Maths and improve fluency. Fluency in Maths is about developing number sense and being able to choose and use the most appropriate method for the task at hand and be able to apply a skill to multiple contexts. 

It uses the CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach, which is a highly effective approach to teaching that develops a deep and sustainable understanding of maths in pupils. CPA was developed by American psychologist Jerome Bruner. It is an essential technique within the Singapore method of teaching maths for mastery. 


Maths at Hope

Alongside using the White Rose Match scheme to teach the National Curriculum, our children also have Arithmetic lessons which are planned and delivered to meet the needs of our children.

We use Times Tables Rockstars to support our children’s times tables knowledge and fluency. This is something which the children access both in school and at home.


Hope Primary School Maths 4 Life

Our Maths journey so far.....

We are delighted to be working towards Liverpool Counts Quality Mark

Liverpool Counts Quality Mark aims:

  • To raise standards in mathematics and numeracy

  • To raise the profile of mathematics and numeracy and challenge negative thinking towards this

  • To ensure children make real-life connections with maths and with other subjects

  • To help people understand the positive impact good numeracy skills have on different aspects of their lives e.g. social, financial, health and employment

Pleased to introduce our brilliant maths ambassadors! The maths ambassadors are working really hard to support their peers, parents and staff to realise just how important maths is and that it is something everyone CAN do!

Have a look at this month's Family Maths Challenge

Check out these great websites as recommended by the children and staff.

Happy Pi Day! What an amazing atmosphere there was in school today. Well done to all of the children who memorised Pi. Special mention to Debbie who memorised Pi to an amazing 113 decimal places! She received a well earned standing ovation from staff!

Check out this great game from the people that brought you the National Numeracy Challenge! Practise your numeracy and smash your high score by collecting coins and completing challenges for the team on a movie set!

Sve the dates! Keep an eye out for these great Numeracy events.

Remembering last year's wonderful maths parties. We have already started raising funds to pay for this year's party - I wonder if the budget will be more or less than last year's? Can't wait to find out!

Maths for Life

Still image for this video
A little snap shot of some of the great maths work going on at Hope!

Wow, some great work during STEM week! STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. We had some great workshops with the company STEMkids; making and carrying out investigations using catapults, pocket torches, balloon cars. It was great to see the overlap and connection between these great subjects.

We've been blown away this term with how much maths goes on in the work place. Check out these photos of some of the maths highlighted in being a chef, gardener, school administrator. What maths do you do in your job? Why not come into school and share the maths you use in your job? We'd love to hear from you. Drop us an e mail at with subject 'Maths in the workplace'

Great result! Many thanks to the 112 parents that took the time to complete the questionnaire at Learning Conferences. It was lovely to see that 96% of parents either strongly agreed / agreed that their child's enthusiasm in maths has increased over the last 12 months and 98% strongly agreed/agreed that their child is aware of the importance of maths in everyday life. Thank you to everyone who completed this and to the hard work and support of our maths ambassadors and play leaders who are working hard to help people realise the importance of numeracy for life.

Well done to the families that entered our 'Maths is Everywhere' family maths challenge. Some excellent photographs! It was even chosen as Knowsley Council's 'Tweet of the Week' on twitter. #MathsIsEverywhere #LCQM

Well done to everyone who took part in Numbers Day and the sponsored maths events.. you raised an AMAZING £730.81 for NSPCC. What a great achievement! Thank you to the maths ambassadors for helping Zoey from NSPCC count up all of the sponsor money - great job!

We are delighted to have been awarded £700 from the Jo Walters Trust Maths Grant Awards. This grant will be used to help create and resource an outdoor maths station. Play leaders will be trained and will run the clubs at break times and lunch times so that everyone can enjoy maths activities at these times. Read more about the great work of the Jo Walters Trust :

With many thanks to the generous grant from the Jo Walters Trust for our outdoor maths resources and maths station.

Exciting times!


You may have noticed some changes in our maths lessons. Over the last couple of years, we have been working hard to get our children thinking for themselves and really understanding what they are doing - rather than rote learning.


We believe that by asking the children to think deeper and become masters of their own learning, that they will become life long learners and have the skills, knowledge, understanding and stamina to tackle any situation.


This year we have implemented Maths No Problem! in most year groups. This is a high quality textbook  based on the successful Singapore methods of teaching maths.


The children will have the opportunity in all year groups to use concrete apparatus such as diennes, place value counters, tens frames etc. to really embed understanding.

Have you seen the National Numeracy Family Toolkit? It's a great resource. Follow the link to see for yourself:

Our staff have been busy taking the National Numeracy Challenge. Why not try it out yourself? Remember everyone CAN do maths!

Loving the opportunity for some real life maths! Ironically, the doors of our lovely new Maths/STEM hut are the wrong width! Thankfully our keen mathematicians were on hand to measure up!

Maths play leaders training went well this afternoon. The leaders had some great ideas and were able to teach each other (and some teachers!) how to play dominos.

We all had great fun on Numbers Day!

Lovely to see the Maths Zone being used so well today!

Busy day in the Maths Zone

Setting each other maths challenges.
