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Hope Reflects......

Dear Parents/Carers


It is with great sadness that we inform you of the sudden death of Mrs Frances McMahon who has been a member of staff here at Hope Primary and formally St Dominic’s for over 20 years.


Your children were informed of her passing this morning whilst in their classrooms. We later gathered together to share our thoughts, reflect and pray together as a school family. Rev Andrew helped us reflect through story and prayer. Children have been encouraged to draw or write their thoughts and prayers for Mrs McMahon and her family. These will be offered up at St Luke’s on Sunday and St Dominic’s at a later date. They will then be passed on to the family. Our thoughts are with Mrs McMahon’s family at this sad time.


When someone dies it is normal for family and friends to experience many different feelings like sadness, anger and confusion, and children are likely to ask questions about the death that need to be answered honestly and factually in terms that they will understand.


The children have been told that their teachers are willing to try and answer their questions at school but if there is anything else you or your child needs to know, please do not hesitate to ring the school office and we will be more than happy to help you.


Yours sincerely,

Mrs B Basnett and Mr J Casson
