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End of year celebrations

Today we took a look back on our year as we celebrated the achievements of pupils together with our wonderful Ofsted judgement. Rev Andrew gave out some prestigious awards along with Emma our pastoral support team member. We said a sad good bye to Mrs Francis and wish her every success in her new school, Mrs Boyd who is retiring and to Mrs Scott who is following her dream and taking up a new post in Bangkok. We also said farewell to Commando Joe and thanked him for his contributions at Hope. They will all be greatly missed and we wish them every success for the future.


We will be welcoming Mrs Gardner to our EYFS and Reception class, Miss Gee to our Year 5 and Mrs Rawstorne to her supportive role in Y6 and in KS1. We look forward to working with them and their contributions to Hope.


We said a sad good bye to Year 6 who have been an absolutely wonderful group, acting as true ambassadors for Hope. We will miss them very much but wish them every success for the future.


The whole school sang beautifully during our celebration. Their rendition of 'The Prayer' by Celine Dion and Adrea Bocelli was truly awesome.
