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End of Year Age Related Expectations

End of Year Age Related Expectations


For the academic year 2015/2016. the Government are replacing levels wih new children'sperformance descriptors 

The new national curriculum, which was introduced in September 2014, sets higher expectations for what teachers should teach, and gives them the freedom to decide how to teach. Levels were intended to provide a universal framework to ensure that schools were measuring attainment and progress consistently. But, over time, it became clear that the level descriptors, which were not closely related to curriculum content, were ambiguous and open 
to different interpretations.

There will continue to be statutory national tests (with results as a scaled score) and teacher assessments (using new performance descriptors) at the end of key stages 1 and 2 in key subjects. 

The new performance descriptors are closely aligned to the new national curriculum. The table below sets out the number of performance descriptors for each subject. 

Key stage 1 
•  Mastery standard
•  National standard
•  Working towards national standard
•  Below national standard
Externally set internally marked test to inform teacher assessment.
Key stage 2 
•  Mastery standard
•  Above national standard
•  National standard
•  Working towards national standard
•  Below national standard
